How to Make Money Blogging for Beginners

A lot of us would love to be paid bloggers as this sounds like the perfect job, right? Well, it’s not easy because it takes time to build your audience and get your blog out there. Nevertheless, it’s worth it! Start a blog because you love what you do and people will start seeing that. You need to passion, quality content and be consistent.

Here are 6 ways to Make Money Blogging for Beginners:

1. Ads

The most popular known way to make money through blogging is by putting advertisements on their blog. Generally, people do not like reading blogs that contains ads so it would be best to not spam your whole blog with ads. In a way, it cheapens your content but it does help out the blogger. Try to not get to spammy as it can drive readers away.

The most popular ad tool is Google Adsense. Adsense has been known to be used for Youtube and it has been working out great for blogs as well. You can only collect the money when you get to $100 minimum though.

MediaVine is also great if you have a lot of traffic. They have a minimum requirement so make that as your goal to be part of their community.

If you are super new, try out They approve almost everyone who applies and fast approval unlike the others that can take days and weeks.

2. Affiliate marketing

With Affiliates, you make a commission from every sale you make. I find this hard unless you can really sell something and it’s a really good product. Just make sure to promote something you believe in because your readers will see right through you if you are only doing it for the commission. On the other hand, people trust Amazon so it would be good to get on Amazon Associates program.

3. Sponsors

Alright, the word ‘influencer’ doesn’t seem to have a positive note to people anymore. Make sure to only recommend products or services that you truly trust so that your audience will continue to value your opinion and keep coming back. The good thing about sponsors is that you can negotiate before hand how much you are getting so that both parties are happy. It’s not like affiliate marketing or ads that you’ll only gain some income through a sale or a click. Sometimes sponsors will reach out to you and sometimes you just have to do the digging and message some brands.

4. Sell your Own Products 

I make way more from selling my own products than through ads even though I don’t sell that many products in a month. I, personally, sell digital products that I created- Lightroom presets or filters, animated Instagram stories and Instagram highlight Covers. I enjoy working on social media so I am selling products that I have used for myself and would help others glamify their Instagram profile.

You can also sell physical products such as clothings and bags. Turn one of your tabs into an e-commerce by selling your own merchandise.

5. Service

Aside from products, you can offer your services. Think about what you are an expert of. You can create tutorials, an ebook or offer a private one-on-one coaching.

6. Private Advertisers

With Adsense, your audience will see different ads from time to time when people will go to your website. Why not offer a permanent ad space on your website to a business.

Let’s Blog!

Figure out a way and learn how to drive traffic to your blog. Remember that an expert was once a beginner so we all start somewhere. Now, let’s see how you can monetize your blog.


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